
Hi, I'm elf1337. Welcome to MyBlog

Ambassador -Hack The Box

Summary Starting with a public exploit in Grafana, which is an unauthenticated path-travesel, leads to dumping sqlite data.We obtained a MySQL remote access credential from that dump and the SSH credential from the MySQL databases. taking ssh and finding a internal project in the /opt directory.Checking the git commits of the project, it leaks a token of the Consul app and has an API service listening internally and running as root, registering a service using the leaked token via the Consul API for root access.

Updown -Hack The Box

Summary Starting with a leaky local git directory from the siteisup.htb server, which led to accessing another subdomain. It has a development feature where we can upload files. From there, we can bypass the upload restriction with the phar file and upload a PHP reverse shell with the php proc_open function. after gaining a foothold In the user’s home directory, we discovered a custom setuid binary that allowed us to gain more privileged access to the server.

Health -Hack The Box

Summary Starting with the web application that has a webhook feature.It is vulnerable to SSRF using a Python script called “redirect.py” to redirect traffic to the web application that has running internaly on port 3000, and then attempting to perform a SQL injection attack by sending UNION ALL SELECT statements through the redirecter and enumerate databases in order to extract information from the database.using credntioal we got from database to take ssh as user.